醬油 飲食 嗜好

嘉大醬油製程大突破-低鹽高溫條件發酵10天 胺基態氮達甲級醬油標準



嘉大醬油製程大突破-低鹽高溫條件發酵10天 胺基態氮達甲級醬油標準

嘉大突破醬油製程 發表國際期刊






這項技術除了可縮短發酵時間外,使用低鹽發酵技術也有利於開發低鹽釀造醬油,符合國人對低鹽飲食的需求,研發成果已刊登於國際食品科技期刊(LWT-FoodScience and Technology)。





嘉大醬油製程大突破-低鹽高溫條件發酵10天 胺基態氮達甲級醬油標準

嘉大突破醬油製程 發表國際期刊


如果是這樣的話,黑豆醬油將會有重大突破! 因為這新技術對於黑豆醬油有很大的幫助!

第一. 釀造成本降低! 時間、品質、能源、衛生、效率一併兼顧!
第二. 釀造時間縮短,從原本4~6個月的最短釀造時間縮短至2個月,這已經是最大的突破!
第三. 黑豆釀造醬油的胺基酸含量,將會有穩定的高含量!
第四. 醬油品質到天候的因素影響減少 失敗率降低! 不會再有寒害期間的醬油品質特差的問題發生!
第五. 對於中南部有長時間日照的地區,其更適合釀造醬油。可以充分利用陽光儲能跟跟利用高溫環境釀造醬油。
第六. 全面的室內溫控釀造過程,可工廠化量產製程
第七. 可演進成更衛生的製程

希望能儘快商業量產化! 讓台灣黑豆醬油有機會變成主流的調味產品!




  1. 其實,這個在實驗室很容易達成,但是要量產就有一些問題,像是建構發酵槽及其他設備的成本。另外就是你希望吃的不鏽鋼發酵槽的醬油?還是用甕,日曝發酵的醬油?氨基酸含量一樣,但味道會一樣嗎?

    1. 主要發酵時的環境問題,一切都講求數據。其實臺灣大部分大廠已經改成FRP槽為多。 用甕是傳統,菌可咬在甕的縫隙或氣孔裡,也比較費工,但實在太受氣候跟溫度影響。

    2. 當然就如您所說,要能量產才是重點。

  2. 圖文裡面指的應該是這篇,製作的是豆麥醬油
    Optimizing the initial moromi fermentation conditions to improve the quality of soy sauce
    Nguyen Xuan Hoanga, Sophia Fernga, Ching-Hua Tingb, Wei-Hua Huanga, Robin Yih-Yuan Chioua, Cheng-Kuang Hsua, ,
    a Department of Food Science, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan, ROC
    b Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan, ROC

    Received 17 April 2016, Revised 9 July 2016, Accepted 21 July 2016, Available online 25 July 2016



    128 2. Materials and methods
    129 2.1. Raw materials and chemicals
    130 Soybean and wheat were purchased from a local farmer in Chiayi City, Taiwan and immediately
    131 stored in a refrigerator at 4 °C prior to use. The koji mold (Aspergillus oryzae) was purchased from
    132 a supplier (Chuan Feng Microbe Co., Taichung City, Taiwan). All of the chemicals used in the
    133 analysis were of analytical grade.
    135 2.2. Koji fermentation
    136 For koji production, raw soybeans were first washed and soaked in water for 24 h at 4 °C and
    137 then steamed at 121 °C for 25 min. Wheat were roasted for 45 min at 140 °C, follow by cracking
    138 into 4 or 5 pieces per kernel accompanied by smaller particles of wheat flour. Roasted wheat and
    139 steamed soybeans were mixed at a ratio of 1:2 (w/w). The mixture was then inoculated with 0.1%
    140 (w/w) of A. oryzae (approximately 108 spores g-1), and subsequently dispersed onto the perforated
    141 stainless steel trays (68 x 44 x 3 cm). Each tray was loaded with the mixture to a ~3 cm thickness
    142 and incubated at 30 ± 3 °C. The preparation of koji was completed in ~60–72 h when the culture
    143 began turning greenish yellow in color.
    145 2.3. Moromi fermentation
    146 Moromi fermentation was performed in individual cylindrical mash tanks (20 L). In each tank
    147 sample, 3 kg of koji was mixed with brine solution at 1:2 ratio (w/w) and then fermented at three
    148 different temperatures (35, 40 and 45 oC) and two different brine contents (5 and 10% w/w) based
    149 on a 2 factor factorial design with a total of 6 different treatments. For each treatment, sampling
    150 was conducted at 1, 3 and 5 days. During the fermentation period, the tanks were located in an
    151 oven (98 x 82 x 133 cm) to controlled temperatures (± 0.5 oC). The mash was stirred for 3 min
    152 once every day.
    154 2.4. Sampling and analytical methods
    155 At each sampling, about 300 ml of samples were collected after being well stirred. The samples
    156 were filtered through a muslin cloth and then centrifuged at 5,000 xg for 15 min. The supernatants,
    157 regarded as raw soy sauce, were kept at 4 °C for further analysis. Five ml of each sample was
    158 collected in sterilized tubes and then immediately analyzed for microbial properties. For each
    159 analysis, three replicates tests were performed.
    160 Determination of pH: the pH values of the soy sauce samples were measured with a PB-10 pH
    161 meter (Sartorius, Göttingen, Germany).
    162 Determination of total nitrogen (TN): TN content was determined according to the AOAC (2000)
    163 with a little modification. Three milliliters of the sample, 1g of catalyst (K2SO4/CuSO4.5H2O =
    164 10:1), and 20 mL of concentrated H2SO4 were added into a digestion tube and then heated for 6 h
    165 at 450 °C for digestion. When the digestion was completed, 25 ml of diluted sample was mixed
    166 with 25 mL of 30% NaOH and subjected to distillation. The distillate was absorbed with 25 mL of
    167 0.1 N H2SO4. The TN was determined by back-titrating H2SO4 with 0.1 N NaOH.
    168 Determination of reducing sugar (RS): RS content in the sample was determined by the 3,5-
    169 dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method (Miller, 1959) with a little modification. DNS reagent, which
    170 contained (w/v) 1% DNS, 2% NaOH and 30% sodium potassium tartrate, was prepared by
    171 dissolving each component in distilled water. One milliliter of the sample diluents were mixed with
    172 1 ml of DNS reagent and then kept in a boiling water bath for 5 min to colorize. After cooling with
    173 cold water, 5 ml of distilled water was added and the OD540nm was measured by using distilled
    174 water as a blank control. The standard glucose solutions were used to make a calibrated curve for
    175 quantitative analysis.
    176 Determination of total acidity (TA): TA content as lactic acid was determined by alkali titration. To
    177 determine total acidity as lactic acid, 25 ml of properly diluted sample was titrated with 0.01 N
    178 NaOH to pH 8.1.
    179 Determination of amino nitrogen (AN): Firstly, formol nitrogen (FN) and ammonium nitrogen
    180 were determined according to CNS (Chinese National Standard (CNS), 2002). To determine FN,
    181 diluted sample and formalin solution were adjusted to pH 8.1, then 20 ml of formalin solution was
    182 mixed with 25 ml of diluted samples for 3 min, and titrated to pH 8.1 with 0.01 N NaOH. Then,
    183 amino nitrogen was determined by subtraction of ammonium nitrogen from FN according to CNS
    184 (Chinese National Standard (CNS), 2002).
    185 Determination of microbial changes: The 10-fold-concentrated cells were serially diluted (100 to
    186 10-6) in 0.85% sterile saline solution, and 100 µl of properly diluted samples were spread on YM
    187 agar and plate count agar plates (BD Difco, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA), then incubated for 1–2 days
    188 at 30 °C for the counting of yeast and total bacteria, respectively. The colonies formed (25–250)
    189 were calculated as log CFU per milliliter of soy sauce (Kang, Kim, Park, & Shibamoto, 2012).
    191 2.5. Experimental design and statistical analysis
    192 The independent variables applied in experimental design were temperature (35, 40 and 45 oC),
    193 time (1, 3 and 5 days) and brine content (5 and 10% w/w), corresponding to coded levels (-1, 0 and
    194 1), (-1, 0 and 1) and (-1 and 1), respectively. Response factors were the main biochemical and
    195 microbial indices, namely total nitrogen (TN, g/100 ml), amino nitrogen (AN, g/100 ml), reducing
    196 sugar (RS, g/100 ml) and total acid (TA, g/100 ml) contents, pH, yeast count (log CFU/ml) and
    197 total bacteria count (TBa, log CFU/ml). The following second order quadratic equation was used to
    198 express the responses as a function of the independent variables (using coded levels).



    1. 如果是豆麥的話,那就真的效果不大了。因為這的確很多的實驗室都做的到。而且整體性經濟效益不大啊! (黃豆麥醬油跟黑豆醬油的釀造時間跟不穩定因素差很多,特別是黑豆醬油廠絕大部分還是傳統甕釀蔭曬釀造法。

  3. 欣慰的是不受重視的這方面還是有人想持續在發展研究。

    1. 所以依照其實驗數據來說,溫度越高(40~45度C),TN總氮、AN胺基態氮的產生率則越好。


  4. 我是嘉大畢業,我們前校長是食科教授,鑽研花生,他把少少的經費都拿去研究花生、醬油等等。我們其他科系其實都很不爽xd我們嘉大有跟廠商聯名推出一系列醬油,合作社有一整排醬油產品販賣

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